Monday, October 1, 2012


Everyone needs a mama. Six weeks ago, I was given the most important job in the world. For some reason, God entrusted me with the lives of two little people when he made me a mom. I instantly became the person they rely on for food, comfort, and support. A job that I do not take lightly and a job that I will give 110% at for the rest of my life. Because while they need me now to simply survive, I know they are going to turn to me for comfort and support for the rest of their lives. I know this because I still need my mama. At thirty-one years old, I still look to my mom for comfort and support. A few weeks ago, I got mastitis and felt pretty awful. As a new mom (well as a mom at any stage), I could not just lie in bed like I used to do when I was sick. There were babies that needed to be fed and held and my sickness had to take the back seat. Gash, being the great husband that he is, jumped right in and helped with everything that he could, but when he asked what I needed, what would make me feel better, my only answer was my mom. And that's when it hit me, everyone needs a mama, even when you become a mom yourself.

One of my favorites of my mom playing with the babies! 

Tummy Time. . . We are turning our heads over and over on our own!! 

Murphy loves the nap nanny as much as we do!

Pirko and Sloan came to visit!

We had a BIG weekend. . . Dinner at the Blockhouse, a trip to the Padgetts
for our first game with friends and lunch at Panera!
So much fun!!

Babies, Babies, Everywhere!

One day we will get to play in the big kids room!

Ashton's other twin!

We walked up to Panera on Sunday for lunch . . 

Yes, these are a few weeks late, but I am on new mom time :)

1 comment:

  1. Love these posts so much!!! And absolutely, thank goodness for mama's!
