Monday, December 17, 2012

A Christmas Tradition

Every December for the past seven years, Gash and I have travelled to Asheville to shop, eat, and most importantly get in the Christmas spirit.  This year, we decided that our trip to Asheville was one Christmas tradition that we would continue no matter what. After all, it was where we oficially started dating (after three years of being "best friends") and it holds so many special memories for us as a couple and as a family.  So this Saturday morning, despite our three-o-clock A.M. wake up call and the colds that we can not seem to shake, we packed up the car with bottles, diapers, strollers, baby bjorns and the two cutest tag alongs we could ask for and made the trip up to Asheville.  It was definitely a different trip this year with Ashton and Mary Seegars in tow, but we would not have changed a thing.  We had a great time visiting all our "old places" with our new family!

Biltmore Village

Perusing New Morning Gallery where we get our coffee mugs each year.
We are beginning to have quite the collection.

We ate at Neo which took the place of La Paz, at least it is still mexican :)

The babies even got to visit the most interesting Santa in the world!

Ashton rolled over from stomach to back for the first time on December 14th!
He is growing up sooo quickly!

Sweet Mary Seegars

I can not believe how big my babies are getting!

Monday, December 10, 2012

All I want for Christmas

I love Christmas music.  From the Friday after Thanksgiving until December 25th, my radio dials are set to whatever station plays back to back Christmas tunes.  I don't know what it is about Christmas music that makes me so happy but my guess is that it is the nostalgic feelings that the music evokes.  When I hear the Beach Boys' "Little Saint Nick" or Amy Grant's "Grown Up Christmas List", I am all the sudden ten again decorating the tree with my family.  The classic Christmas songs performed by Frank Sinatra and Bing Crosby allow me to relive the last five Christmases with Gash, decorating our tree and sipping on coffee with a splash (or a few splashes) of Baileys.  One of my favorite Christmas songs has always been Mariah Carey's "All I Want for Christmas is You".  I can remember my cousin Christy and I belting out the words while we each thought of whoever was our crush at the moment.  Last year, Mariah Carey's song took on a whole new meaning.  You see last year all I wanted for Christmas was a baby (or at least one growing inside).  Gash and I wanted to start a family so badly and so when I heard Mariah sing:
                    I don't want a lot for Christmas
                   there is just one thing I need
                   I don't care about the presents
                  underneath the Christmas tree . . .

The words rang true with me.  Last December, I did not care about the gifts I would be receiving or the parties I would be attending, all I wanted was a baby to hold and we prayed every night for just that.  Well, God heard our prayer, and while I did not receive the gift of pregnancy until January, it was well worth the wait! This year, I am so thankful for the two little angels we get to spend Christmas with.  And while I do love a good present, the words of Mariah Carey still ring true . . .

                  bab(ies) all I want for Christmas is YOU!!!

Even though we were all a little sick this week, we still had some fun!
Mary Seegars even laughed for the first time on December 6th.
Both babies are cooing away and we just love to hear them talk to us!

Mary Seegars found her fist . . . yummy!

"Tensing" while working out in my gym.  Uncle Bryant would be proud!

One sleepy and happy baby!

Ashton loves to watch T.V. . . and so it begins!

One of the gag gifts at our small group's Christmas party was Asian Facial Hair. 
It was only appropriate for us to put it on Ashton!

Who does baby Gash look like? My votes on Ashton; although, when I sent the picture to my mom and Aunt Mandi they both thought it was Mary Seegars :)

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Living for the weekend. . .

I have always enjoyed the weekends.  I loved spending quality time with Gash, sleeping in, and eating whatever I wanted (calories don't count on the weekends, right?).  However, I never understood just how special weekends are until this past week when I had to leave my babies to return to work.  I will not go into detail about how hard it was to leave the babies Wednesday morning, lets just say that some tears were shed.  And by some I mean buckets and buckets.  I did manage to make it through the day and when I got home and was greeted by those two smiling faces, I realized that while I have always enjoyed the weekends, I will now LOVE every minute of them.  So, when I try to focus on the positive aspects of being a working mom, the evenings and weekends top my list.  Those hours that I spend away from Ashton and Mary Seegars each day only make my time with them that much more special.  So here's to weekends and evenings snuggling the two cutest babies I know!

Ashton and Mary Seegars playing. They were looking at each other and holding hands!
Melts. My. Heart. 

Ashton was so excited about his daddy's birthday. . Mary Seegars was not impressed :)

We threw a birthday party for daddy and Trent and Julie came from Asheville! Dakin was so sweet and kept kissing Ashton's "boo boo" (a.k.a his hemangioma)

Ashton's first date. . We could not be happier with his choice in the ladies. . Love little Vivian!

Mary Seegars approves :)

The kids started to outnumber the adults. . . How parties have changed!

Aunt Katie and Uncle Bryant came to celebrate too!

The weekend ended with our tradition of decorating the tree while listening to Christmas music and sipping on Baileys and peppermint coffee.  Only this time, we had some little helpers.  The cutest two elves this side of the North Pole . . .

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Giving Thanks

I love the holidays. I always have. There is nothing better than good food, good wine and of course good company. I can remember being young and counting the days until Christmas. Christmas Eve to be specific, as that has always been my favorite day of the year. And Thanksgiving meant the countdown could begin! Holidays always seem magical, especially so when I was a kid. I can remember dressing up like pilgrims and Indians and having Thanksgiving feasts at school. And who can forget the Thanksgiving craft that seems to be a staple in Kindergarten classrooms across the nation? Yes, the imprint of your childhood hand made into a turkey. I remember being asked to write down the five things I was thankful for and that got me thinking about the five things I am thankful for today. While some of them have changed as I have matured, the core is pretty much the same. So here are my five "fingers" of thanksgiving:

1. Our jobs: I am so grateful that in a down economy both Gash and I have steady jobs.

2. Our home: I have loved making our little house into a home. It is truly a place that I can easily see my children growing up in. We have made so many great memories here already and I know the best are yet to come.

3. My friends: a girl could not ask for more supportive, loving and genuine friends. These women make me want to be a better friend, mother, and wife.

4. My family: we are blessed with the BEST parents, sisters and brothers. I honestly do not know what we would do without them and I feel so lucky to call them our family.

5. My husband and children: I saved the best for last. It was just last year that Gash and I spent every night praying for the miracle of new life. It was just last year that I spent many a day in tears. And now I spend every day with the two most beautiful babies in the world and a husband who has taught me what true love really is.

What can I say besides I am blessed and so THANKFUL for ALL the gifts that God has given me.

Happy Thanksgiving!

We turned three months on Tuesday. . . Time Flies!!!

Thanksgiving, Round ONE in Gastonia

Round TWO at the lake house . . .We love our new tradition of fried turkey Friday!

We also squeezed in the Bickes family Christmas card. . first one in about ten years?

Saturday we hit the road again to watch the Clemson vs. Carolina game in Spartanburg!

Just a few more of our favorite babies . . . 

Sunday morning snuggles. . . .